Rookshana karma

The word "rooksha" refers to dryness. Rookshana karma induces dryness in the body. This is required whenever there is increased oiliness and stickiness in the body.


Choornapindasweda is one among ooshmasweda. It is done with the boluses of various choornas (usually medhika, sarshapa, sathapushpa, jatamansi, atasietc).

It can be done as snigdha (uncous or rooksha according to the condition). In snigdhapindasweda, oil is applied over the body as well as the pottalis are heated in oil. The potalis can be heated by the steam of boiling dravadravyas like Dhanyamla in specific conditions.

ChurnaPindaSweda is the best treatment to provide relief from pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness (catch) associated with bone, joint and or musculoskeletal pains. It is highly beneficial in healing musculoskeletal and neuromuscular diseases. Many times it also acts as a disease-modifier when combined with other effective treatments.


The hot pottali should be gently applied over the body, after confirming the temperature. Just pressing the body with pottali should be done, no need of kneading and massaging with the potali. Both pottalis are used alternately after reheating to maintain uniform temperature throughout the procedure. Reheating is done either by keeping potali in vessel or by steam of dhanyamla or water. Same potali can be used for three days. For whole body, it should be done for about 30-45 minutes in the 7 positions.

“The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.” ―Shubhra Krishan


Podikizhi increases the peripheral blood supply, so it also helps in improving complexion of the skin.
It relieves body ache and strengthens muscles and skin.
It is also a good technique for relaxation and reliving stress.
It has detoxifier properties for the skin, removes the toxins through the pores of the skin and lowers the tendency of skin diseases.


- Sciatica
- Lumbago
- Arthritis
- Spondylosis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Muscular spasm, muscular pain or Muscular sprain and stiffness
- Swelling on joints due to osteoarthritis of other disease
- Paralysis and other neurological diseases
- Post trauma or sports injury rehabilitation
- Body Relaxation

Using our following unique products as an addition to CHOORNA PINDA SWEDA will help you to achieve the best results:

Prana Cough syrup
Rujjari capsule etc

“Treatments often vary in duration and intensity depending on nature of ailments, body constitution and the status of Tridosha of the person.Constitutional approach is an essence of Ayurvedic treatments and treatments may be different for two persons with same illness. Treatment program are planned after consultation with our in-house ayurvedic doctors.”

You can buy or order these medicines in our online store.

*Before buying, consult our doctor.

Wearing Ayurvedic clothes or practicing on Ayurvedic Yoga Mat in addition to the Ayurvedic treatment can also improve the health of patients.